New Hampshire Company Name Search

New Hampshire corporation search by Find-a-Company

When incorporated, businesses need to be registered with the Secretary of State to operate. The Secretary of State is the official in charge of keeping track of every Company in New Hampshire. You can look up details on any Company in New Hampshire at the New Hampshire Secretary of State search page.

In addition, if you need to dissolve a New Hampshire Company, you can do so with the Secretary of State.

Here's where I go to find the latest link to locate a Company: New Hampshire Secretary of State

When you locate the company you are looking for, you can find things like...

  • Registered Name
  • State Company Number
  • Standing
  • Address
  • Agent of Service
  • Registered Agent Mailing Address
  • Phone Contact

“A 'startup' is a company that is confused about - 1. What its product is. 2. Who its customers are. 3. How to make money.” — Dave McClure, 500Startups co-founder