Incorporate a C Corp in New Jersey

New Jersey corporation search by Find-a-Company

A person starting a C Corp, needs to register it with the Secretary of State. The New Jersey Secretary of State is the primary custodian of records and business registrations. Registration data regarding a New Jersey C Corp can be located by means of the New Jersey Secretary of State online search tool.

Another responsibility of the Secretary of State is the dissolution of businesses that are no longer active.

Here's where I go to find the latest link to locate a New Jersey C Corp: New Jersey Secretary of State

After finding the C Corp you're searching for, info about it is given. This usually includes:

  • Registered Name
  • State Registration Number
  • Standing
  • C Corp Address
  • Registered Agent in New Jersey
  • Agent Contact Address
  • Number to Contact C Corp

“You just have to pay attention to what people need and what has not been done.” — Russell Simmons, Def Jam founder