Start a Company in AK

Alaska corporation search by Find-a-Company

If a Company is registered in Alaska, you can look it up at the Alaska Secretary of State. The Secretary of State of Alaska is the primary custodian of important state records such as Company registrations. A new Company needs to be registered with the Secretary of State.

If you need to dissolve an Alaska Company, they can also use the office of the Secretary of State.

Start your search at the Alaska Secretary of State to find the Company you are looking for.

When you have your result, there will usually be several pieces of information about the Company.

  • Name
  • Corporate Number
  • Status
  • Physical Address
  • Agent of Service
  • Registered Agent Mailing Address
  • Phone

“If you're interested in the living heart of what you do, focus on building things rather than talking about them.” — Ryan Freitas, co-founder