Start an S Corporation in KS

Kansas corporation search by Find-a-Company

Once incorporated, a business in Kansas needs to be registered with the Kansas Secretary of State. The Kansas Secretary of State is a great resource for finding information on an S Corporation registered in Kansas. The Secretary of State of Kansas is the primary custodian of important state records such as S Corporation registrations.

You can also use this resource to dissolve a Kansas S Corporation.

You can use this link - Kansas Secretary of State - to locate the Kansas S Corporation search page.

After finding the S Corporation you are after, you can see data about it. Usually, information such as the following is available.

  • Recorded Name
  • State Number
  • Current Standing
  • Location in Kansas
  • S Corporation Registered Agent
  • Registered Agent Contact Address
  • Telephone Contact

“An invention that is quickly accepted will turn out to be a rather trivial alteration of something that has already existed.” — Edwin Land, Polaroid co-founder